Advancing Scientists offers best-in-class courses for scientists. These aren’t just your ordinary anonymous massive online courses like those you’ll find on Coursera or Udemy. Tailored for each individual, they are personalized experiences featuring a combination of one-on-one sessions and guided assignments. Whatever pace you choose, you’ll gain marketable skills while creating a tangible work product. Do the first session, then decide if you want to commit to the full course.

  1. The Scientist to Data Scientist Program If you you’re a scientist, you can be data scientist. Pivot into this lucrative career path or bolster your current skill set to become a scientific data scientist. Learn Python, git, data visualization, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. Use your scientific mind to generate incredibly valuable analytical insights in any field.
  2. You’re a Unicorn: Developing a Unique Personal Narrative What makes you different than every other scientist? Craft a compelling, memorable narrative and adapt it for elevator pitches, parties, interviews, and more. Understand how you’re perceived by others. Identify gaps between your current story and the one you’d like to tell in the future.
  3. Innovation and Intrapreneurship in Industry As an industry scientist, you don’t need explicit instructions to innovate. Adopt an intrapreneurial mindset and improve your company’s products, capabilities, and processes. Impress organizational leaders by proactively identifying opportunities and solving important problems for your business. Create the job you want.
  4. The Softer Side of Scientists: Hone Your Relationship Development Skills
  5. Your First 100 Days: Hit the Ground Running in Your New Position
  6. Make a Plan Worth Executing: Guided Ideation and Goal Setting
  7. Managing Scientists: No One Prepared Me for This

We strive to provide the best courses for scientists like you, so reach out if there’s something missing from this list (