You need your very own Circle of Scientists

Introduction As a scientist, you need a team of independent advisors—a community of scientists—to help you navigate a complex professional landscape. Let me explain why and propose a solution.  You possess the skills to do or learn to do almost anything, and that predisposition towards independence and self-determination can be detrimental to your career. Our…

Accelerate your scientific career with a coach

Hey scientist, why don’t you have a professional career coach? You’ve probably never thought you needed one. You’ve likely never heard another scientist rave about how a career coach for scientists transformed their professional life. Maybe you think you have a pretty good mentor and a strong support structure in your peers, family, and friends….

The path from scientist to data scientist

A natural transition The transition from scientist to data scientist is achievable. As a scientist you’ve been trained to dive into the murky waters of real world data and emerge with meaningful insights. You’re an expert at assessing causality (probably more expert than many data scientists) and won’t be fooled by spurious correlations. You understand…

Informational interviewing: make it a lifelong habit

What is informational interviewing? Informational interviewing is simply the practice of conversing with someone with the goal of learning about their professional life, job, and industry. It is by far the easiest way to invest in growing your career. Yet, most people don’t do it with any regularity, because it takes time, it’s awkward, or…