Assess potential investments in your scientific career

How can you assess potential investments in your scientific career like professional coaching or online courses? Such investments could catapult you forward in your career leading to huge benefits like pay raises, promotions, or more interesting projects. Or they could be a huge waste of money. To make the right decisions you need an analytical…

Scientist Deus: Plan Your Career as a Scientist in the Age of AI

How can you plan your career as a scientist while technology is changing what it means to be a scientist? What will scientists even do in the future? As the lines between technology and biology blur, computers will undoubtedly relieve scientists of some of their duties. Will you be empowered by sophisticated artificial intelligences or…

Think Less, Act More: Boost Your Productivity as a Scientist

Think less, act more is a recipe for success in the world of science. Action is valued more than thought. If you pause and consider it, this is incredibly obvious. No one was ever promoted, published, or otherwise rewarded for simply thinking. Rather, they had to experiment, write, meet, present, or take some other kind…

You need your very own Circle of Scientists

Introduction As a scientist, you need a team of independent advisors—a community of scientists—to help you navigate a complex professional landscape. Let me explain why and propose a solution.  You possess the skills to do or learn to do almost anything, and that predisposition towards independence and self-determination can be detrimental to your career. Our…

Accelerate your scientific career with a coach

Hey scientist, why don’t you have a professional career coach? You’ve probably never thought you needed one. You’ve likely never heard another scientist rave about how a career coach for scientists transformed their professional life. Maybe you think you have a pretty good mentor and a strong support structure in your peers, family, and friends….